Matter and Motion

Matter and Motion

"Motion in the most general sense, conceived as the mode of existence, the inherent attribute of matter, comprehends all changes and processes occurring in the universe, from mere change of place right to thinking." Engels

Matter can't exist without motion so when applied to our systems (Capitalism and Communism) there are 2 distinct modes of thinking at the center, Objectivist and Marxist. From these you get Metaphysics (which talks of absolute and concrete truth) and individualism (which when applied above is that singular matter can drive a massive amount motion to gain progress, taking motion from the rest) these are attached to Capitalism. In Marxism however, you have Dialectical materialism (truth is not absolute and can be changed when material conditions change) and Altruism (which when applied, you have a collective matter, the Proletariat, driving the whole of motion to achieve progress). The reason Communism is inevitable is because we understand Natural laws and instead of stopping their motion as Capitalism tries so hard to, we know that , with our grasp of historical materialism, philosophical materialism and dialectical thinking that we can use the motion of natural forces (internal) to gain our necessities (external nature) and with total control of motion, be free since Freedom is only defined by our collective ownership of these necessities. 


Part 2

"Labour is the source of all wealth, the political economists assert. And it really is the source – next to nature, which supplies it with the material that it converts into wealth. But it is even infinitely more than this. It is the prime basic condition for all human existence, and this to such an extent that, in a sense, we have to say that labour created man himself."-Engels 

Given both the picture and the quote we can only assume 1 thing. Evolution in Humankind and Freedom is determined by labour. In Capitalism, fewer and fewer over the course of history Master natures resources, expend great amounts of energy, and by way of its Labour driven competition, becomes a waste of those resources and as result Humans have suffered in general. The reason is, in Capitalism only a small amount of matter is in control of the motion (labour and nature) and due to this, only the few benefit (from surplus-value, cheap labour due to purpose lack of education, and private ownership of the means of production) as a result we are to believe that this is human nature. I agree that competition has its benefit but the overall evolution,  wealth and reason for this is its labour. The reason Communism transcends capitalism is its the Labour force (collective matter) that controls the motion (nature and labour) and thus they are able to gain there necessities as a whole and achieve definite means and thus become free. Freedom isn't being a part of the motion for select matter, it's the whole of matter controlling all motion and becoming one with natural laws to achieve its freedom. 


Part 3

"Authority, in the sense in which the word is used here, means: the imposition of the will of another upon ours; on the other hand, authority presupposes subordination. Now, since these two words sound bad, and the relationship which they represent is disagreeable to the subordinated party, the question is to ascertain whether there is any way of dispensing with it, whether — given the conditions of present-day society — we could not create another social system, in which this authority would be given no scope any longer, and would consequently have to disappear." -Engels

As an Authoritarian, that's the only logical way I can be. As a Marxist-Leninist, I am calling out any leftist who is libertarian, anti violent revolt and a lack of understanding of natural laws, the laws of matter and motion and will provide the question of how is anti authoritarianism from the left standpoint (Proletariat Dictatorship) a long term success? In no anti authoritarian movement has the worker ever actually seen liberation? They can't,  If we look at Matter And Motion...the fact is that motion is driven by force,  it's undeniable in any capacity so knowing that. Let's take 2 forms of matter, on one hand you have the Capitalists (minority matter) through dictatorial force, controlling the motion (motion in the instance is wealth, thus power)...combine this with the fact that in this capitalist control, the matter has to constantly evolve and due to the fact that the goal is to eventually have one individual matter in control of the motion...there will soon be no more room for growth and evolution. So the power will eventually come from the Communist (majority matter) and through basic dialectics, that matter will through force, shift the motion (wealth, thus power) and that force is naturally authoritarian. If that force is lost after the phenomena of revolution,  nothing stops the minority matter from taking the motion back. So authoritarianism is absolutely natural and it's also undeniable that when the majority matter has the force over the  motion, that said motion can be redistributed according to their needs and when that happens and only when,  can the authoritarian nature disappear.

 Part 4

"All past history was the history of class struggles; that these warring classes of society are always the products of the modes of production and of exchange."Engels

Slaves and Masters, Lords and Peasants,  Capitalist and the Wage Worker....When you take the account and un-ignorable presence of history, Engels is 100% correct in his assertion. The idea of class struggles have been black and white typically (with the labour being a total commodity...see slavery) but when we strip the obvious, the opinions, and take the movement of history... The fact remains that energy is behind everything (namely mathematics) Namely the force of Matter and motion. every system, event in history is defined  by the shift of motion as dictated by matter. To get to the most recent historical events in humanities evolution as it relates to the mode of production, evolution of Labour in relation to progress in society (since with the introduction of Laissez-faire, progress was had with the Industrial Revolution and with that came the rise of the proletariat) that is where the best explanation of Matter and motion take place. With Capitalism, it's essence is In the form of the equation M (dominant minority matter)-m (Collective matter...the proletariat)+SV (Surplus-value)=C (Motion). The variables of course are determined by the concentration of capital and the means (rate of exploitation, even laws set by the Minority, etc). How does this connect?  Very simply the evolution of the modes of production and exchange are simply Motion  (Capital) moving more to the Capitalists [the reflection is shown by the .01% and 1% owning more than half the wealth world wide, The top 20 owning more than half in just America,  etc] but if we look at this from a philosophical standpoint, the Majority matter has the conditions to gain the force to shift the Motion to them. if we look at the prior equation, we would need to add one important variable that would reflect the inevitable change when Capital has moved as far as it can to the Minority. That variable would be R (revolution) so when we introduce the new equation, when revolution is added we get mR-M-SV=A [(-c [surplus-capital reflecting the loss of power] +C [reflecting the shift of Capital in the form of motion])  Now I get this may look complex or jumbled but it's basically the simplest equation to reflect how when revolution is introduced  (Revolution, as explained by Engels, being the most authoritarian spark to shift the Motion to the majority matter [m]) we can see assert that as far as economics,  the first thing to go is the Surplus-Capital. Now there are of course many variables that get subtracted, but this equation is the base of the shift of motion as dictated by Matter. now since this equation is in a basic state, variants can be added to subtract from M to benefit the value and power of m.  [Note: Education is the biggest variable and would if added to the latter equation it would look like -M+Ed( mR-SV=A [(-c +C)) whereas If added to the former it would be M (-m-Ed)+SV=C)] and when you utilize these equations to history, economics and even philosophy as variables are applied it should connect to the apparent class struggle and it's evolution [from the most necessary point being the rise of the proletariat, which I'll explain in my upcoming work expanding my Initial Market Theory]  In conclusion, Engels was 100% accurate in his assertion and when added to the latter equation [ -M+Ed( mR-SV=A [(-c +C)) even as variables are added, the application of the use of Matter and motion work the way of m and when it's finally simplified the equation should be C (all motion) =Edm=Com (Communism) which renders the Capitalist variables no longer applicable. 

Thank you, 

Comrade Staricka. 

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