Dialectic Equations Pt. 2
Dialectic Equations Pt. 2 
 When the slaves gather consciousness, 3 things are certain: 
They will see the conditions for what they are. 
They will wake up 
They will spark the Revolt, hang the oppressors, and gain their freedoms. [Italics by T.S. Staricka]
Now, when I say slave. I say it as a condition of Oppression. Their are a few different forms of slavery. We are focused on the most used, Exploited labour. Now, since the beginning of Capitalism and it's variable evolution,  Exploited labour has become not only necessary but a common form way of life. Now, this struggle has been a result of a long standing battle of 2 forms of matter trying to control the whole of motion. This battle of Attraction and repulsion has been the long standing battle of the human condition since the dawn of time. As I mentioned in my Human rights essay in the PDLF manifesto. 
" The realization that our oppression was a constant contradiction, paved the way for the Submissive matter to also realize their strength and through an authoritarian force, spark the energy of class consciousness to a fire of the proletariat. Human rights were granted to the Proletariat in ways never seen before and freedom was a reality. 
Education was the biggest spark, and has been throughout history." 
A conclusion i emphasize on, is that the struggle of opposites is the long standing truth in history at all levels. Where there has been a force in the evolution of society with a dominant matter, there has In a polar opposite form of energy that sparks a shift in that motion. More specifically, in modern times under the current state of affairs, the same longstanding struggle has remained, but the constant spiral-like change has only accelerated the inevitable, the shift to the ultimate balance of motion between the most important bodies of matter, Nature and the Proletariat. 
Now, my assertions are a mere new way to explain an old longstanding truth and back up the Philosophy of Dialectical materialism, but the difference is these truths of Dialectical materialism have finally been formulated.  In part 1 of my Dialectic Equations Essay, was the formula of Imperialism: 
  Mon (2/3 M1+M2+Sv)+Mil
From the previous Dialectic Equations Essay, I had broken down fascism, and how it's national properties and rapid decay lead the Capitalism to evolve once more [Peak concentration is the most consistent force in the growth of capitalism in any form....Profit×Competition=Concentration] but after fascism happens and the motion peaks nationally, it's left to spread throughout the world. Here we have Imperialism, which essentially is decay evolved and merged with a healthy host (parasitic in form) on a world conquest of International dominance and strive for the whole of motion.  
Some elaboration is required.
As Engels asserted in Dialectics of nature, Motion is the the energy which is subject to two polar opposite bodies of matter [through Attraction aka force and Repulsion aka Energy] and if looked at from a movement in a spiral like motion [Note: The meaning of this is that since polar opposites have struggle with eachother and evolution and progress have been the lift causing a spiral] now, we've had examples of this Dialectic process before in physics,  mechanics,  chemistry and the like but very seldom have we seen a use of this in the struggle of humankind for its ultimate freedom as a working, altruist society. Would this not fall in the same echelon as what, say, molecules do? chemicals? I'd say it's an even more livable process and observational process than what chemistry and other forms show. When we take Capitalism and formulate its' progress [and inevitable decay] we have the attraction [or force] and we have an equally opposite repulsion [which is the energy, i.e. Revolution, Class consciousness, civil rights movements, strikes etc] which challenge this authority and meets it with an authoritarian energy that sparks it's own force in the balance. 
Since motion needs 2 bodies to be balanced and since it can be destroyed with too much instability, Wouldn't this imperialist state of affairs only prove my assertions right?From the previous Dialectic Equations Essay, I had broken down fascism, and how it's national properties and rapid decay lead the Capitalism to evolve once more [Peak concentration is the most consistent force in the growth of capitalism in any form....Profit×Competition=Concentration] but after fascism happens and the motion peaks nationally, it's left to spread throughout the world. Here we have Imperialism, which essentially is decay evolved and merged with a healthy host (parasitic in form) on a world conquest of International dominance and strive for the whole of motion.  
Some elaboration is required.
As Engels asserted in Dialectics of nature, Motion is the the energy which is subject to two polar opposite bodies of matter [through Attraction aka force and Repulsion aka Energy] and if looked at from a movement in a spiral like motion [Note: The meaning of this is that since polar opposites have struggle with eachother and evolution and progress have been the lift causing a spiral] now, we've had examples of this Dialectic process before in physics,  mechanics,  chemistry and the like but very seldom have we seen a use of this in the struggle of humankind for its ultimate freedom as a working, altruist society. Would this not fall in the same echelon as what, say, molecules do? chemicals? I'd say it's an even more livable process and observational process than what chemistry and other forms show. When we take Capitalism and formulate its' progress [and inevitable decay] we have the attraction [or force] and we have an equally opposite repulsion [which is the energy, i.e. Revolution, Class consciousness, civil rights movements, strikes etc] which challenge this authority and meets it with an authoritarian energy that sparks it's own force in the balance. 
Since motion needs 2 bodies to be balanced and since it can be destroyed with too much instability, Wouldn't this imperialist state of affairs only prove my assertions right?  I mean, Capital is majorly concentrated (over half belongs to the top 1% and .01% and Is growing) we see capitalist conquest for bother resources being demonstrated by private industry and military! The Attraction is showing its weight and the force is coming full circle. 
 The spiral-like motion is circular [i.e. history repeats, which isn't true because new conditions give the keys of progress and the like, but the struggle of Attraction and repulsion are always shown the the "weight" of that Attraction overtime becomes unwound by its own weight. To further validate it's circular motion, I quote Helmholtz: 
which it hangs is completely unwound:
"Then the clock comes to a stop, for the operative capacity of the weight is exhausted for the time being. Its weight is not lost or diminished, it remains attracted to the same extent by the earth, but the capacity of this weight to produce movements has been lost.... We can, however, wind up the clock by the power of the human arm, whereby the weight is once more raised up. As soon as this has happened, it regains its previous operative capacity and can again keep the clock in motion."
Now, to build off what he said, I assert that it's conditions of the Repulsive energy [i.e. slaves, anarchists in greece, any uprise in society against the Attraction, i.e. forces present in Feudalism,  monarchys, Plutocracies and the like] is the energy that causes the spiral and gives the added dimension to the human societal clock. Now, as we incorporate the opposites and their spiral-like progression, none is more outstanding than the Struggle of motion than the Capitalist and Proletariat. No struggle seen is more balanced in its history. 
The difference between Capitalism and The Proletariat from Feudal Lord and Slave or any form of near totalitarian power throughout history is its inclusion on a world scale, incorporating the use of the entirety of Motion, between the bodies of equally able labour and capitalist matter. The energetic challenge of force has been met with a new phenomena of Workers Revolution. Revolution is the single greatest spark of energetic fluidity ever seen for the reason that it has a Repulsive and Attractive quality merged inside it's mechanic. As all sparks of energy have [heat for example] a point of force, Revolution when plugged into societal mechanics is a form of Heat, in that it is an authoritarian force of change which in cooperation with the notion of spiral-like qualities of history is shown, shows the dialectical properties of this process. 
Essentially, we see all 3 Dialectic laws present from a revolution. In terms of Capitalism, We see process of negation of negation and interpretation of opposites specifically in that when successful on a national scale, the capitalist process is negated by the means of proletariat production, Private ownership becomes social and the useful qualities of capitalism are no longer restricted by the interest of a few, but rather the control of a whole. [Thus, The proletariat through this process becomes the attraction and nature replaces the capitalist as repulsion as we agree that we are under control of nature but in more harmonic balance where overproduction and so on at the expense of nature is no longer a factor] 
Now that we have this notion as a fact, how would this be formulated?  Well first we would have to take the Imperialist Equation and apply the conditions of revolution. 
 Mon (2/3 M1+M2+Sv)+Mil
For this to become motion in the hands of m, we need to assess a few variables in this.  
Let's start with Mil, Military force is the ultimate tool of the Capitalist in the imperial stage, what starts as a defender of the people, over time and it's increase of desperation to remain in power, the Capitalists use military as a weapon for nothing more than its interest. As an example,  let's look at the oil conquest of Fox news owner Rupert Murdoch, Dick Cheney and member of one of the most dominant economic forces in capitalism, Lord Rothschild in Syria. A banking monopolist, A media dictator, and Cheney using military conquest to rape a land of its oil, gain the profits and expend as much labour as possible....this fits the equation very well.
The next is the Monopoly domination, over government, It's a different dynamic from Fascism in that, the monopolies are not only merged with government, but, make government nothing more than the spokesman and protective layer. Now, how does this equate to the gathering of motion in dominating fashion? All hands point to the most important variable in all this and the epitome of Repulsion in this whole situation, Labour a.k.a. Proletariat. 
The Creator of the motion in which it struggles for, the Proletariat has constantly jumped higher to reach the steak but can only get bits at a time...the longer this goes, the more rabid this beast is going to come and not only is the steak going to get eaten, but the owner and profiteer of the steak is gonna be eaten. The weight of this authority is spinning and history in its spiral, will repeat, but the conditions will allow the Proletariat to eat the rich and have the steak for themselves. [Italics by T. S. Staricka]
We have touched on the Attraction side in this equation and at this point we have learned a few things:
1. Labour Creates Capital 
2. Capitalism Exploits labour
3. The Labourer suffers while Capital concentrates
4. As Capital became a worldwide totality of motion, The scope of labour on all labour is exploited 
5. As this happens, Military conquest and corporate monopoly in its desperate gathering of motion not only decays capitalism, it ensures it's death. 
Now to the side of repulsion. 
Revolution. The most beautiful act of energy living in human consciousness, whether it be the 1688 revolution against dominant religious power in France, to the the French Revolution, to the Russia, Korean, Cuban etc....all of them all have the same Repulsive qualities of Energy vs Force to balance the motion of Power. The motion however has changed in its conditions as the struggle of both bodies of matter have changed. But, to stay on topic, let's start with the first Anti-capitalist revolution and the ones it's energy has sparked, The French Revolution. 
To, have a view from someone who lived closer to that time,  we look at Frederick Engels who said: 
"Ideas can never lead beyond an old world order but only beyond the ideas of the old world order. Ideas cannot carry out anything at all. In order to carry out ideas men are needed who can exert practical force. In its literal sense the Critical sentence is therefore another truth that is self-evident, and therefore another “examination”.
Undeterred by this examination, the French Revolution gave rise to ideas which led beyond the ideas of the entire old world order. The revolutionary movement which began in 1789 in the Cercle Social, which in the middle of its course had as its chief representatives Leclerc and Roux, and which finally with Babeuf’s conspiracy was temporarily defeated, gave rise to the communist idea which Babeuf’s friend Buonarroti re-introduced in France after the Revolution of 1830. This idea, consistently developed, is the idea of the new world order.
“After the Revolution had therefore” (!) “abolished the feudal barriers in the fife of the people, it was compelled to satisfy and even to inflame the pure egoism of the nation and, on the other hand, to curb it by its necessary complement, the recognition of a supreme being, by this higher confirmation of the general state System, which has to hold together the individual self-seeking atoms.”'
The French Revolution was the first taste of Repulsion in the struggle. The first ever Dictatorship of the proletariat had occurred when Gracchus Babeuf, Roux and others led a movement against the Monarchical Rule of Napoleon, He was ousted though only shortly when he established a totalitarian rule that broke down itself with the rise of the Bourgeoisie in Europe. This spark energy has caused itself a spiral like change with the introduction of more communist principles which lead to the biggest explosion of fiery energy of Repulsive action....Workers Revolution. 
Now, the Variable in revolution as a spark of energy in the shift of motion is a complex build than most would see. What makes up a revolution? We know that economic situation has a huge hand in this,  more of a process, when you had the Industrial Revolution you had the exploited labour. Then you had Labour being replaced by machines and with that the Competition of human labour. When the times pass, these get worse and class consciousness shows it power. Revolution needs the power of class consciousness, Struggle, and collectivism as well as its authoritarian structure and it's energy.
Now, when we formulate the revolutionary stage (when national) we get a complex situation: 
The Representation is the repulsion taking authoritarian force over the passive Attractive force which has taken so much that it's force has ran it's course. Now, normally the motion as dictated by M (Mon) would die with the concentration bearing to much pressure on itself [represented by the crises, collapses and so on] but, the constant evolution from the capitalist stage has prompted evolution in capitalism where the Capitalist has had to add barriers for its protection from the growth in class consciousness. The one thing I can say, is the need to suppress education in the capitalist stages is and was crucial because In former history included, the more conformed and uneducated the masses are the less resistance they show,  but as we also learn in a Dialectical manner, is that when the seeds of knowledge are planted,  consciousness grows and resistance always follows. Education is the the spark and middle ground of both Attraction and Repulsion. When taken away, the force of Attraction grows....When added, The Repulsion grows and the spark becomes an Explosion, with the heat expressed as Class consciousness, And translated into the highest point of energy....Revolution. 
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